Who is Jupiter?
Is this thing on? Who am I? I am Jupiter, also known as Nunomath, I'm a hobbyist that doesn't really know what they're doing, but I'll figure it out. I don't really have anything to tell about myself nor do I really want to, so let's talk a bit about how I managed to build this website without any previous web design knowledge.
What platform did I use?
Since I don't really know how to code a website from scratch and learning it in a week would be impossible I resorted to an easier option, a visual based website builder. I used a mixture of GitHub and Netlify.
How do Netlify and GitHub work?
GitHub is just used to host the website's files on a private repo, then, I use Netlify do actually deploy the website. Netlify offers templates and a visual editor so I mostly didn't have to mess with the code (only messed with it to fix some bugs that I wasn't able to fix in the editor). Netlify offers free, but limited domains aka whatever-you-want.netlify.app, but at the least they also offer an option to use your own domain without having to pay for a premium plan unlike most other website builders.
I'm a random person that decided that they want a website, I made it with Netlify and I would recommend Netlify (with GitHub) if you want to create a personal website that doesn't have that many dynamic aspects.